KHRP produces a vast array of publications, ranging from briefing papers to large-scale research reports. These command high levels of public trust and confidence, offering alternative ways of engaging with public policy debates and the development of democracy in the Kurdish regions.��
All our publications are available to buy in printed form from KHRP�s online shop and can be obtained free of charge in electronic form from our website's download library.
In 2010 we published:
- three fact-finding mission reports documenting abuses within the Turkish prison system, the human rights situation in the Kurdish region of Turkey, and the civilian and environmental impact of Turkish and Iranian cross-border shelling in northern Iraq
- two trial observation reports examining the trial of a man accused of murdering his wife in a suspected �honour-killing�, and the 60 state officials (including prison guards, police officers and gendarmes) accused of torturing a political activist to death�in custody
- four briefing papers on: the environmental impact of the cross-border shelling in northern Iraq, the Ilisu dam project in Turkey, human rights and the Kurds in Iran, and parliamentary immunity and party closure ahead of Turkey�s local elections
- our quarterly newsletter Newsline, which gives a brief digest of developments in the Kurdish regions and KHRP�s activities there
- our bi-annual journal, Legal Review, the only one of its kind focused on human rights violations in these regions
- our annual Impact Report, reviewing the previous year�s activities
- our submissions to intergovernmental bodies including, the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, Universal Periodic Review (UPR) Working Group; Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women and the UN Commission on the Status of Women
- five KHRP speeches delivered on: compiling trial observation reports; the practice of female genital mutilation in the Kurdish regions; Turkey�s progress towards EU accession and the need for change; and the impact of large-scale dam construction on regional security in the Kurdish region of Turkey
- our fourth European Union Turkey Civic Commission (EUTCC) conference report on�the proceedings from�the European Parliament
In addition, KHRP publicised the publication of Kurmanji language edition of the 'Kurds in Syria; the Forgotten People'.