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KHRP | Kurdish Human Rights Project

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Kurdish Human Rights Project: This is the legacy website of the Kurdish Human Rights Project, containing reports and news pertaining to human rights issues in the Kurdish Regions for 20 years.

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Charity Awards

Charity Awards

Gruber Prize


Gruber Justice Prize

KHRP Wins Prestigious Gruber Prize for Justice.

The U.S.-based Gruber Foundation's International Justice Prize has been awarded to the Kurdish Human Rights Project.� As one of five recipients this year who have challenged the world's more common forms of intolerance, KHRP is being recognised for our work in protecting the liberty and human rights of all people in the Kurdish regions, with our belief that justice should be available for all reflected in the Gruber Foundation's awarding of the prize to recipients who pursue justice as a universal concept.

In particular, KHRP is being recognised for its use of a variety legal instruments in protecting human rights and seeking redress for violations, including bringing cases on behalf of hundreds of applicants at the European Court of Human Rights and its on the ground field missions. The prize award notes the importance of KHRP�s consistent presence over the last 19 years as well as the notable reforms and successes on a wide range of issues, from preventing conflict over water in Turkey, Iraq and Syria to receiving a landmark judgment in the European Court toward the abolition of capital punishment.

Kerim Yildiz, KHRP's Chief Executive, said: �KHRP is honored to receive such recognition from the Foundation, and especially to find itself in the company of such accomplished human rights defenders globally. Our work over the last 19 years continues to evolve with the ever-changing landscape in the Kurdish regions and receiving this award not only helps us grow with the times, but also, and more importantly, gives hard-earned recognition to all our partners and survivors of abuses. They continue to make grand strides for justice and this award is for their bravery, intellect, passion and progress�.

The award ceremony will take place at National Constitution Centre, Philadelphia, PA on October 6th 2011.

The website of the Gruber Foundation�s International Justice Prize can be found here.