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Name | KHRP Legal Review 8 (2005) |
Description | This is the only existing legal journal covering significant legislative and policy developments in the Kurdish regions of Turkey , Iraq , Iran , Syria and elsewhere.� Published biannually, this edition covers the period from June to December 2005, including summaries and analysis of all of the most significant European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) decisions.� Uniquely, this journal includes information about new cases that have not yet reached any judicial decision; but nonetheless provide invaluable updates about the most recent allegations of human rights violations to be submitted to international courts and mechanisms.� This edition features news and updates on all the Kurdish regions, as well as eight new communicated cases, five admissibility decisions and 23 judgments of the ECtHR.� Declan O'Callaghan, barrister, analyses the sufficiency of legal protection from torture or ill-treatment afforded to prisoners under interrogation; while Sharon Linzey, professor of sociology, examines the right to compensation afforded to internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Turkey.� The journal is of interest to lawyers, human rights defenders and NGO representatives in the Kurdish regions and elsewhere. ISSN 1748-0639 �������� �8.00+P&P |
Filename | Legal Review 8.pdf |
Filesize | Empty |
Filetype | pdf (Mime Type: application/pdf) |
Creator | admin |
Created On: | 10/03/2005 00:00 |
Viewers | Everybody |
Maintained by | Editor |
Hits | 25522 Hits |
Last updated on | 06/24/2010 06:18 |
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