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KHRP | Kurdish Human Rights Project

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Kurdish Human Rights Project: This is the legacy website of the Kurdish Human Rights Project, containing reports and news pertaining to human rights issues in the Kurdish Regions for 20 years.

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Turkey’s Village Guard System – Still in Place, Still an Obstacle
Details for Turkey�s Village Guard System � Still in Place, Still an Obstacle
NameTurkey�s Village Guard System � Still in Place, Still an Obstacle

The Turkish village guard system, which was resurrected in its current form in 1985, has been responsible for numerous human rights violations and other crimes. Currently the village guard system represents a major obstacle to the return of Kurds who were displaced from their villages during the 1990s but also the larger development of a peaceful political solution to the Kurdish issue in Turkey.

The village guards continue to violate the rights of returnees and each other, largely with impunity. Often those who have been displaced and wish to return find that they face forcible recruitment into the village guard system or that the guards have illegally occupied their homes. This briefing paper explains the background and impact of the village guard system, and makes the case for its abolishment.

Filenamevillaguard briefing pdf file.pdf
Filetypepdf (Mime Type: application/pdf)
Created On: 03/24/2011 07:55
Maintained byEditor
Hits22130 Hits
Last updated on 04/01/2011 11:23
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