Property | Value |
Name | Kurdish Initiative - Illusion or Reality? |
Description | Speech Delivered by Mark Muller QC, Chairman of the Bar Human Rights Committee of England & Wales; EUTCC Board Member; & KHRP Honorary Secretary General, at the Sixth International Conference on the EU, Turkey and the Kurds, European Parliament, Brussels, 3 February 2010 |
Filename | Kurdish Initiative ? Illusion or Reality by Mark Muller QC.pdf |
Filesize | Empty |
Filetype | pdf (Mime Type: application/pdf) |
Creator | wjayawardene1 |
Created On: | 02/05/2010 11:01 |
Viewers | Everybody |
Maintained by | Editor |
Hits | 110 Hits |
Last updated on | 02/05/2010 11:05 |
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