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Kurdish Human Rights Project: This is the legacy website of the Kurdish Human Rights Project, containing reports and news pertaining to human rights issues in the Kurdish Regions for 20 years.

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State Accountability? The Şemdinli Trial Re-Hearing
Details for State Accountability? The Şemdinli Trial Re-Hearing
NameState Accountability? The Şemdinli Trial Re-Hearing

On 11 July 2007 KHRP sent a mission to observe the opening of the Şemdinli bombing trial re-hearing at Van 3rd Heavy Penal Court.

The November 2005 bombing of the Kurdish-owned Umut bookstore in the town of Şemdinli in south-east Turkey killed one man and injured two others. The incident sent shock waves throughout Turkey and internationally because the three individuals accused of planting the explosives were apprehended by a crowd of civilians at the scene. Two of the men were non-commissioned army officers, raising the spectre of ‘deep state’ involvement in the attacks. The trial of the two officers, Ali Kaya and Özcan İldeniz, began in May 2006 and was observed reported by KHRP in 2006’s Promoting Conflict – The Şemdinli Bombing. On 19 June 2006 both men were sentenced to 39 years imprisonment each for “forming a criminal organisation, killing people, attempting to kill people and causing injury”. However, on 16 May 2007 the Court of Appeal overturned the verdict, ordering the case to be re-heard.

In State Accountability?The Şemdinli Trial Re-Hearing, the mission who observed the re-hearing on 11 July 2007 upholds the concerns of the 2006 mission. Indeed, in light of the events surrounding the ruling of the Court of Appeal and the subsequent handing over of military jurisdiction, concerns regarding State impunity the independence of the judiciary have been greatly amplified.

ISBN 978-1-905592-13-5

Available by free download at this site. Hard copies are £10.00 + P&P and available from our online shop. 

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Created On: 10/30/2007 07:09
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Last updated on 10/30/2007 07:16
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