KHRP Legal Review Archive
The KHRP Legal Review is the only existing legal journal considering significant legal developments in the Kurdish regions of Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Syria and elsewhere. Published biannually, it is intended to build capacity among NGOs, lawyers and human rights defenders by providing clear guidance, updates and analysis of issues relevant to the regions. This edition provides analysis of the law and practice of judicial appointments to the European Court; the retrial of Leyla Zana and other Kurdish former parliamentarians; trials of human rights defenders in Turkey; and recent developments before the UK Immigration Appeal Tribunal involving Kurds from Turkey seeking political asylum. It also includes a breakdown of Article 3 and Article 6 ECHR cases against Turkey in recent months. Finally, it includes European Court admissibility decisions and judgments from December 2003 to June 2004.
ISBN 1748-0639
Copies of this report are available from the KHRP for � 8.00 (+P&P)
The KHRP Legal Review is the only existing legal journal considering significant developments in the Kurdish regions of Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Syria and elsewhere. Published biannually, it is intended to build capacity among NGO's, lawyers and human rights defenders by providing clear guidance, updates and analysis of issues relevant to the regions. This edition provides a summary of the European Commission's 2004 report on Turkey's progress towards accession. An article by Tim Otty and Ben Olbourne assesses the US Supreme Court's response to the 'War on Terror' in the Rasul and Hamdi cases. Further articles provide assessments of Turkey's implementation of European human rights standards (Jon Rud) and the establishment and protection of human rights under the ECHR (Declan O'Callaghan). A further article provides a detailed interpretation of the Charter for the Rights and Freedoms of Women in the Kurdish Regions and Diaspora published by KHRP and KWP.
ISBN 17480639
Copies of this report are available from the KHRP for �8.00 (+ P&P)
The KHRP Legal Review is the only existing legal journal considering significant developments in the Kurdish regions of Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Syria and elsewhere. Published biannually, it is intended to build capacity among NGOs, lawyers and human rights defenders by providing clear guidance, updates and analysis of issues relevant to the regions. This edition provides the findings of recent trial observation missions to the regions and of a recent conference concerning Turkey's accession to the EU. It also evaluates progressive projects to develop women's rights. It provides an analysis of the Divisional Court's judgment in Al-Skeini v Secretary of State for the Defense and of the supervisory system of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities (FCNM). Civil society developments in Iraq are also featured, together with an analysis of the controversial issue of wearing religious symbols in state schools.
ISBN 1748-0639 Copies of this report are available from the KHRP for � 8.00 (+ P&P)
This is the only existing legal journal covering significant legislative and policy developments in the Kurdish regions of Turkey , Iraq , Iran , Syria and elsewhere.� Published biannually, this edition covers the period from June to December 2005, including summaries and analysis of all of the most significant European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) decisions.� Uniquely, this journal includes information about new cases that have not yet reached any judicial decision; but nonetheless provide invaluable updates about the most recent allegations of human rights violations to be submitted to international courts and mechanisms.� This edition features news and updates on all the Kurdish regions, as well as eight new communicated cases, five admissibility decisions and 23 judgments of the ECtHR.� Declan O'Callaghan, barrister, analyses the sufficiency of legal protection from torture or ill-treatment afforded to prisoners under interrogation; while Sharon Linzey, professor of sociology, examines the right to compensation afforded to internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Turkey.� The journal is of interest to lawyers, human rights defenders and NGO representatives in the Kurdish regions and elsewhere.
ISSN 1748-0639 �������� �8.00+P&P
This is the only existing legal journal covering significant legislative and policy developments in the Kurdish regions of Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Syria and elsewhere. Published biannually, this edition covers the period from January to June 2006, including summaries and analysis of the most significant decisions of the ECtHR.
Uniquely, this journal covers new cases that have not yet reached any judicial decision, but nonetheless provide invaluable updates of the most recent allegations of human rights violations to be submitted to international courts and mechanisms.
This edition features news and updates on all the Kurdish regions, as well as three newly communicated cases, seven admissibility decisions and 38 judgments of the ECtHR and the UN. The journal is essential reading for anyone interested in monitoring legal developments in Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Armenia and Azerbaijan.
ISSN 1462-6535 �8.00+ �2.00 (P+P) or available
Available for �8.00 by contacting [email protected] or by downloading below
This is the only existing legal journal covering significant legislative and policy developments in the Kurdish regions of Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Syria and elsewhere. Published biannually, this edition covers the period from June to November 2006, including summaries and analysis of the most significant decisions of the ECtHR.
Uniquely, this journal covers new cases that have not yet reached any judicial decision, but nonetheless provide invaluable updates of the most recent allegations of human rights violations to be submitted to international courts and mechanisms.
This edition features news and updates on all the Kurdish regions, as well as newly communicated cases and admissibility decisions and judgments of the ECtHR and the UN. The journal is essential reading for anyone interested in monitoring legal developments in Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Armenia and Azerbaijan.
Publication available for �8.00+ �2.00 (P+P) from [email protected] or +44 (0) 207 405 3835, ISSN 1462-6535 or by downloading below
This is the only existing legal journal covering significant legislative and policy developments in the Kurdish regions of Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Syria and elsewhere. Published biannually, this edition covers the period from January to June 2007, including summaries and analysis of the most significant decisions of the ECtHR.
Uniquely, this journal covers new cases that have not yet reached any judicial decision, but nonetheless provide invaluable updates of the most recent allegations of human rights violations to be submitted to international courts and mechanisms.
This edition features news and updates on all the Kurdish regions, as well as newly communicated cases and admissibility decisions and judgments of the ECtHR and the UN. The journal is essential reading for anyone interested in monitoring legal developments in Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Armenia and Azerbaijan.
ISSN 1748-0639 �8.00+ �2.00 (P+P) or available
Available for �8.00 by contacting [email protected] or by downloading here
This is the latest issue of KHRP�s biannual Legal Review, the only existing legal journal covering significant legislative and policy developments in the Kurdish regions of Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Syria and the Caucasus.
This edition covers the period from May to December 2007. The Review features news and updates from the Kurdish regions, and summaries and analysis of the most significant decisions of the ECtHR, ECJ, ICJ, UN and UK Courts. Uniquely, the journal covers new cases that have not yet reached any judicial decision, but nonetheless provide invaluable updates of the most recent allegations of human rights violations to be submitted to international courts and mechanisms. Articles in this issue address the murder of Hrant Dink, the Kurdish conflict in international law, media freedom in Turkey, human rights indicators and Islamic headscarves in European case law.
The journal is essential reading for anyone interested in monitoring legal developments in Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Syria and the Caucasus.
Available by free download at this site. Printed copies are �10.00 + P&P and available from our online shop.�
KHRP�s Legal Review is the only existing legal journal covering significant legislative and policy developments in the Kurdish regions of Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Syria and the Caucasus and is essential reading for anyone interested in monitoring legal developments in these countries.
Covering the period from December 2007 to June 2008, the Review features news and updates from the Kurdish regions, and summaries and analysis of the most significant decisions of the ECtHR, ECJ and UK Courts. Uniquely, the journal covers new cases that have not yet reached any judicial decision, but nonetheless provide invaluable updates of the most recent allegations of human rights violations to be submitted to international courts and mechanisms. Articles in this issue address the implications of oil contracts in the Kurdistan region of Iraq, women and religious freedom, internally displaced women in Western Turkey and extra territorial acts in Iraq.
Legal Review 14 covers the period from July to December 2008 and features news and updates relevant to the Kurdish regions, as well as summaries and analysis of pertinent decisions of international, UK and US Courts. To mark KHRP�s 15th anniversary, this edition includes a special feature looking back on the organisation�s litigation throughout that time and the many important precedents that have been set as a result. Other articles in this edition tackle the legal status of minorities in Turkey, the human rights impact of proscription regimes, and approaches to the issue of hate speech within the framework of the European Convention on Human Rights.
Legal Review is essential reading for anyone interested in legal developments in Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Syria and the Caucasus.
Covering the period from January to June 2009, Legal Review 15 features updates on legal developments relating to the Kurdish regions, as well as summaries and analysis of relevant decisions by international, UK and US courts. Articles in this issue tackle the protection of the right to family life in expulsion cases within the European legal framework, the concept of the rule of law, structural violence against women in Kurdistan, Iraq, and the practical implications for freedom of expression in Armenia of the landmark ruling by the European Court of Human Rights in the KHRP-assisted case of Meltex Ltd and Mesrop Movsesyan v. Armenia.
Legal Review 16 covers the period from June to December 2009 and features news and updates relevant to the Kurdish regions, as well as summaries and analysis of relevant decisions of international, UK and U.S. Courts. Articles in this edition cover the procedural aspects of convention rights, the failings and threat of Turkey�s Anti-Terror laws regarding human rights standards, an overview of the lesser-known Council of Europe�s powers in respect of human rights, the factors to be considered for the enhancement of democracy and justice regarding the Kurdish issue, as well as the deficiencies of the regime of Refugee Status Determination and its impact on the status of Kurdish asylum seekers and Iraqi refugees.
Legal Review 17 covers the period from January to June 2010 and features news and updates relevant to the Kurdish regions, as well as summaries and analysis of relevant decisions of international, UK and US Courts. Articles in this edition cover the impact of the Turkish Anti-Terror Provisions on the obligations of state signatories under the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the development of the concept of positive obligations under the European Convention of Human Rights as one of the most important factors of its interpretation, an analysis of the current reservations of 42 State parties to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR), and the reasons for improving witness protection for victims of torture and related international crimes.
Legal Review 18 covers the period from July to December 2010 and includes updates on key current affairs, issues and developments relevant to the Kurdish regions, as well as summaries of relevant decisions of the European Court of Human Rights and other courts. Legal Review 18 features articles by John R. Crook (offering some reflections on the Abyei Arbitration as a possible model for other situations involving territorial or other disputes between a state and a constituent region or people) and Antoine Buyse (assessing the operation, possibilities and challenges of the pilot judgment procedure at the European Court).