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KHRP | Kurdish Human Rights Project

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Kurdish Human Rights Project: This is the legacy website of the Kurdish Human Rights Project, containing reports and news pertaining to human rights issues in the Kurdish Regions for 20 years.

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2011 Publications

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In this submission the 44 undersigned NGOs, including KHRP, seek to assist the UN in assessing the United Kingdom�s human rights performance through the Universal Periodic Review.

The manual provides a comprehensive and practical guide to litigation in Strasbourg, setting out the development of the Court since its inception and the changes that have been made in order to enhance the Court�s efficiency. In this regard, it covers the introduction of pilot-judgment procedures and the new admissibility criteria, as well as explaining further potential changes initiated by the Interlaken Conference in February 2010. The manual also includes commentaries on the practice and procedure of the Court, key texts such as the European Convention on Human Rights, the Court�s application form and a table of legal aid rates.

�Taking Cases to the European Court of Human Rights� is one of a series of three manuals published by KHRP providing practical guidance on using international human rights mechanisms.

Policy paper published as part of the Diaspora Dialogues for Development and Peace Project. This project is a joint initiative between the Centre for Just Peace and Democracy and the Berghof Foundation for Peace Support, with KHRP's contribution forming part of a series of papers written by activists who work with diaspora communities worldwide. The series aims to show how activists themselves perceive political activism in this field, and to make a contribution to an area often neglected by scholarly writing.


VAW Turkey Presentation- Final VAW Turkey Presentation- FinalTooltip 03/22/2011 Hits: 18892

KHRP�s Legal Associate, Saniye Karakas gave a presentation to local lawyers in Tblisi, Georgia, on laws in Turkey relating to women�s human rights. The presentation was part of INTERIGHTS' Equality and Europe Programmes, covering Council of Europe countries within Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union, strategic litigation workshop on Violence against Women which was held in Tblisi, Georgia on 10-11 March 2011. The workshop focused on issues such as domestic violence, rape and trafficking.

In March 2011, KHRP provided a submission for consideration by the Office of High Commissioner for Human Rights for submission to the 12th session of the Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review, noting a number of significant and systemic human rights issues that ought to be addressed during Syria�s UPR.