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KHRP | Kurdish Human Rights Project

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Kurdish Human Rights Project: This is the legacy website of the Kurdish Human Rights Project, containing reports and news pertaining to human rights issues in the Kurdish Regions for 20 years.

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Charity Awards

Charity Awards

Gruber Prize


Gruber Justice Prize

About KHRP

KHRP is a registered charity that was established in 1992 in response to the genocide, war crimes and human rights violations occurring across the Kurdish regions of Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Syria, the Caucasus and elsewhere.

Spearheaded by Kerim Yildiz, a Kurdish refugee and human rights postgraduate, and the late Michael Feeney, Cardinal Hume's advisor on refugees and Director of the Westminster Diocese Refugee Service, a network of leading lawyers willing to undertake pro bono cases to the European Court of Human Rights was established. Mark Muller, a British human rights barrister, encouraged dozens more leading figures in the human rights community to join. They began submitting urgent action appeals and submissions to the then European Commission on Human Rights, Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) and several UN mechanisms.�

Nearly two decades on, KHRP remains committed to the protection of the human rights of all persons within the Kurdish regions, irrespective of race, religion, sex, political persuasion or other belief or opinion, particularly the most marginalised groups � those subject to discrimination on ethnic, gender, race or religious grounds. Although many beneficiaries are of Kurdish origin, others are of Turkish, Arab, Persian and other origins.

Since our inception we have been supported by a wide range of governments, private trusts and foundations and other grant making bodies, including:

A B Charitable Trust (UK)
ACAT Suisse - Action des Chr�tiens pour l'Abolition de la Torture (Switzerland)
Ajahma Charitable Trust (UK)
Allan & Nesta Ferguson Charitable Trust (UK)
Atlantic Philanthropies Northern (Ireland)
Avenue Charitable Trust (UK)
Baring Foundation (UK)
Beech Trust (UK)
Bromley Trust (UK)
CB & HH Taylor 1984 Trust (UK)
Centre for International Environmental Law (USA)
Charities Aid Foundation (UK)
Charles Stuart Mott Foundation (USA)
Cooperative Bank (UK)
Diakonisches Werk (Germany)
Environmental Defense Fund (USA)
Ericson Trust (UK)
European Action Council for Peace in the Balkans (The Netherlands)
European Human Rights Foundation (Belgium)
European Parliament (Multilateral) (EU)
Eva Reckitt Trust Fund (UK)
Fire Brigades Union (FBU) (UK)
Fulmer Charitable Trust (UK)
Global Greengrants Fund (USA)
Ilisu Dam Campaign (UK)
International Bar Association (UK)
Jane Hodge Foundation (UK)
JG Joffe Charitable Trust (UK)
John Merck Fund (USA)
KIOS - The Finnish NGO Foundation for Human Rights (Finland)
Law Society for England and Wales (UK)
Lawyers for Lawyers Foundation (The Netherlands)
Lyndhurst Settlement (UK)
Medico International (Germany)
Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland (Finland)
National Lottery Community Fund (UK)
Norwegian Human Rights Fund (Norway)
Novib-Oxfam Netherlands (The Netherlands)
Oak Foundation (USA)
Oakdale Trust (UK)
Open Society Institute (OSI) (USA)
Organisation Mondiale contre la Torture (OMCT) (Switzerland)
Prisoner of Conscience Fund (UK)
Quaker UN Office (Switzerland)
Radley Charitable Trust (UK)
Rowan Charitable Trust (UK)
Royal Netherlands Embassy Turkey (Turkey)
Silbury Fund (UK)
Souter Charitable Trust (UK)
Stewart R Mott Charitable Trust (USA)
Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) (Switzerland)
Sycamore Charitable Trust (UK)
UIA Charitable Foundation (UK)
UN Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture (UNVFT) (Switzerland)
Wallace Global Fund (USA)
William Adlington Cadbury Charitable Trust (UK)
Winston Foundation for World Peace (USA)